Contact Us

Let us know if you have any questions, concerns, general inquiries, or gushing praise! Whatever you've got to say we are happy to hear from you.
If you have books you want to sell, give us the low-down on what you have and we will do what we can to work with you. How many books or boxes of books, what type of books, books of particular interest. What we are primarily looking for these days are higher value books that we can consign with you but we are willing to consider larger collections and have often worked with estates in the past.
You can also call Tom directly at 303-522-5214. If we are interested in your books, set up a time with Tom when you can drop them off at our offices at 2110 S. Ash St #1, Denver CO 80222⇗, or for a small fee we can pick them up from your location. Tom will be happy to go over the details through email or over the phone.